Freedom in Boundaries

Empowering You to Flourish in Freedom

Do you often feel stressed out, overwhelmed or like your life is not your own? 

Do you tend to agree with others to avoid conflict, then feel resentful later?

Are you afraid to say “no” out of fear or guilt?

Do you allow others to speak for you or for your time?

Do you question the legitimacy of your own needs?

Are you afraid that if you don't do what others ask you will be rejected?

Do you find yourself accepting poor treatment from others? 

Do you feel isolated and alone?

Do you find yourself doing more than your share of the workload?

If you answered "Yes!" to any one of these questions, then this workshop may be for you!

Freedom in Boundaries

An awareness of boundaries can increase the quality of your life, love and your relationships. Healthy boundaries define your soul, and they help you to guard it and maintain it. Knowing what is and is not yours to own, and take responsibility for, gives you freedom.

In this workshop you will be guided through activities and an easy to follow presentation to understand the basics of what boundaries are and why they matter. You will also be given 10 Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries so you are empowered to be in control of your life, instead of giving that power to others. You will also be provided with resources to equip you as you implement healthy boundaries in your life. 


Freedom in Boundaries
Taking Charge to Change Your Life!

 Here's a Sneak Peak of What You Will Leave This Workshop With 

Clear understanding of why boundaries matter.

Defining what boundaries are and are not.

Dispelling misunderstandings around boundaries, faith and God.

How clear boundaries give you freedom.

Areas of your life that are within your control.

10 Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries.

Increased awareness through coaching questions.

Resources and tools to apply after the workshop.



Freedom in Boundaries



 Freedom in Boundaries 


This workshop gives you the awareness you need to begin to shift your perspective around what boundaries are, why they matter,  and steps you can take to set healthy boundaries so you can live an empowered life of freedom.

With this workshop you will receive: 

  • Workshop Teaching Video.
  • PDF versions of all accompanying Activity Sheets so you can implement what you learn.
  • 10 Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries.
  • A secure Private Client Portal where you access the workshop materials.
  • Resources to support and equip you in establishing and/or improving boundaries in your life.



Yes, to Living Empowered!

 Healthy boundaries act as a compass to navigate through life with.  

Are you ready to get started?


Start Today, Finish at Your Own Pace

10% of all proceeds support Compassion International to release children from poverty in Jesus name.

Yes, I Want to Get Started Now!

  Here's to living your greatest life!  

Equipping you to Flourish with Clarity, Confidence and Purpose