Dear Friends, 

Have you ever chosen a word as your theme for the year? This practice is one I have found helpful for intentional growth. At the end of last year as I prayed for the word which would be my theme for this year, what came to mind was the word "Humility."

Freedom in Humility

Honestly, it's not a word I would have chosen, which indicates to me the reason it was suggested as I prayed! 😅 I didn't really consider myself prideful, but even "a little leaven can raise the dough" - or so the saying goes. In focusing on Humility, I am discovering the insidious ways pride shows up in my thoughts or attitude. I'm also discovering how much freedom there is in laying down pride, pretending to have it all together (I don't and never have), accepting instead of judging, and admitting when I am wrong (rather often). 

Have you ever confused "humility" with "humiliation"? I have. But there is a vast world of difference. True humility is rooted in a solid identity, inner strength, and seeing ourselves accurately through God's eyes. It's stepping off the ladder of being above or below others to enter a circle of equality. Philippians 2:1-16 describes true humility as displayed by Jesus Christ. 

As we welcome spring and usher in lent, culminating in Resurrection Day, if this is an area you struggle with, I invite you to consider how a correct understanding of humility might free you as well. This Newsletter is full of helpful resources to Encourage and Equip you on your journey of discovery. 

Prayer: Lord, please help me understand and recognize what true humility looks like. I know I can't put on the garment of humility without You empowering me to through the Holy Spirit. Help to see myself and others through your eyes of love. Thank you. Amen.

 In our featured Devotion, You Are Not Nothing - Five Ways to Pursue Real Humility, Author Randy Newman uses the Grand Canyon to illustrate feeling smaller and bigger at the same time.
He writes, "I believe gospel-shaped humility can make us feel smaller and bigger at the same time. But only if we have a proper understanding of humility - carefully defined, delineated, displayed, and distinguished - that is, only if we move past some common confusions about humility." Read the Devotion (PDF) to learn what it means to bend low and stand tall. You Are Not Nothing - Five Ways to Pursue Real Humility (Link)


Publishing Monday, March 11 & 25

Security in Surrender by Jen Stone-Sexton

Divine Delays by Jen Stone-Sexton

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Our featured Cool Resource is Lent in Plain Sight


God is often at work through the ordinary: ordinary people, ordinary objects, ordinary grace. Through the ordinary, God communicates epiphanies, salvation, revelation, and reconciliation. It is through the mundane that we hear Gods quiet voice. 

In this devotion for the season of Lent, Jill J. Duffield draws our attention to ten ordinary objects that Jesus would have encountered on his way to Jerusalem: dust, bread, the cross, coins, shoes, oil, coats, towels, thorns, and stones. In each object, you will find meaning in the biblical account of Jesus final days. Each week, encounter a new object to consider through Scripture, prayer, and reflection. Lent in Plain Sight reminds us to open ourselves to the kingdom of God.

Take advantage of reduced coaching packages throughout 2024! 

See Coaching for Packages and Services for Pricing

Get the support you need to dismantle the lies you believe, address hidden beliefs driving behavior, face fears, and experience mindset shifts so you can live in victory and freedom!

This beautiful and powerful song weaves a story through the lives of Hagar, Ruth, David, and Mary with a message of truth: no matter what you are going through, you are not alone and God Sees You. Filmed in Israel.

Music Video - The God Who Sees - Nicole C. Mullen

  A Note of Encouragement...


Photo of Empty Garden Tomb in Israel by Pisit Heng on Unsplash

Happy Spring 🌷 and a Blessed Resurrection Day!

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Here's to living your greatest life!

In Joy, 

Jen Stone-Sexton, Founder, CCLC 
Equipping you to Flourish with Clarity, Confidence and Purpose
MORE FOR YOU: Have you had enough of feeling stuck? Check out these options to take your first step forward! 


Jennifer Stone-Sexton
Freedom to Flourish, LLC
P.O. Box 22
Kingston Springs TN 37082
United States of America