Dear Friends,

As summer surrenders to autumn, leaves turn from green to golden and nature adopts a slower rhythm, I encourage you to consider where you can create margin in your life. Margin is hard for me. I'm more accustomed to cramming as much in a segment of time as possible. Yet, I have found living this way robs me of peace, serenity, being present to the moment and of joy. God values margin. He values rest. And He wants to lead you in the Unforced Rhythms of Grace so that you can recover your life. (Matthew 11:28-30 - Message)

Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10) Your Soul and your Schedule don't follow the same rules. Where can you create margin in your life? Does your life currently reflect the value that God places on rest? (Rest here does not refer to sleep.) What boundaries might you need to put in place? In what ways might you weave moments of restoring your soul with God into the rhythms of your life? 

The Gift of Rest Retreat in September was a delightfully refreshing, restorative and intimate experience for the women who attended. The setting was perfect for our time together as well as our reflective and free time alone. Many thanks to Layman Lessons Ministries for making the retreat possible. (Check out the link if you would like to learn more about all the ways this ministry serves the homeless.)  

 In place of an Article this month, I want to gift you this beautiful 4-page guide for going deeper in God's Word. 

Lectio Divina: Latin for divine, sacred reading. 

Lectio Divina is an ancient method of praying with scripture where God’s voice comes intimately alive in personal ways. This rhythm will bring you to a pace of resting in God, of letting God’s whispers dwell in you and become a desire to know Him more intimately and be known in return. - Bonnie Gray, Whispers of Rest

Download the PDF HERE


October Blogs: Publishing Monday, October 16 & 30

Embracing the Unforced Rhythms of Grace by Jen Stone-Sexton

Flourishing in Your Health - Are You Getting Enough Rest?    by Jen Stone-Sexton

Subscribe to receive bi-monthly devotions directly to your Inbox. 

Read or subscribe here: Freedom to Flourish Blog 

 Looking for meaningful ways to dig into God's Word? Check out our featured Cool Resource this month:

Steadfast: Cultivating a Heart like Mary 

This 4-week interactive devotional and Bible study will help you cultivate a confident and steadfast resolve no matter the circumstances you face. 

Click below to read more about this study and all that's included!

Steadfast, Cultivating a Heart Like Mary

A Note of Encouragement...

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Here's to living your greatest life!

In Joy, 

Jen Stone-Sexton, Founder, CCLC 
Equipping you to Flourish with Clarity, Confidence and Purpose
MORE FOR YOU: Have you had enough of feeling stuck? Check out these options to take your first step forward! 


Jennifer Stone-Sexton
Freedom to Flourish, LLC
P.O. Box 22
Kingston Springs TN 37082
United States of America