Dear Friends, 

Autumn is arrayed in her glorious display as the days are getting cooler. This time of year seems to speed up in double time. Does it feel that way to you too? Yet we don't have to get caught up in a pace that depletes instead of recharges. What are some ways you can slow down instead? Where can you intentionally create space for what is important to you and allow margin for some breathing room? In what ways can you savor this brief, beautiful and bountiful season?

Freedom to Flourish Blog

Devotions to Encourage and Equip You to Flourish

This month features 4 Guest Writers!

For inspiring stories check out the blog or subscribe here:

 Freedom to Flourish Blog

We hear your feedback and will reinstate sending you weekly blog notifications through the end of this year.

In the meantime, we invite you to subscribe directly to our Blog mailing list!  When you subscribe, you receive the devotion directly to your inbox upon publication. 

 The featured Article this month comes from Dr. Michelle Bengston. In times of transition and changing seasons, the increased stress can play havoc with our emotions and energy levels. Exhaustion and depression can fuel each other. Learn how to distinguish between them and three things in your control that you can change to make yourself feel better.:  Is It Exhaustion or Depression?

Dr. Bengston is also the host of Hope Prevails podcast and blog, offering Resources that Restore Hope, Renew Minds, and Empower Hope-Seekers to live their God-given identity. 



 The Cool Resource this month features Daily Kairos 

Intimacy with God starts with Intentionality by you. 

Kai-ros - (noun) a propitious moment for decision or action.

Transform how you spend time with God. A radically simple way to connect with God every day.

       Daily Kairos | Daily Kairos | Tools to Help You Draw Closer to God

A Note of Encouragement...


Graphic designed by Morgan Howard

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Freedom to Flourish Life Coaching Blog

Flourish in your life with Clarity, Confidence, and Purpose! 

Here's to living your greatest life!

In Joy, 

Coaches Jen, Katie & Bridget


MORE FOR YOU: We would love to come alongside you as you take your next steps! Find out more about working with us. Or schedule a free no obligation 30-minute online Create a Life You Love strategy session.

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INVITE - Autumn 2022 

Jennifer Stone-Sexton
Freedom to Flourish, LLC
P.O. Box 22
Kingston Springs TN 37082
United States of America