Hello and Welcome May! 

Recently I traveled to North Carolina to celebrate the life of an aunt very dear to me. I thought about her influence on my life, her generous spirit , loving example, and how simply spending time with her helped shape me. Her legacy lives on in me, in her daughter, and in those whose lives she touched. Never underestimate the difference we can make in someone else's life. In addition to time with family, I spent a few solitary days in the mountains and was once again reminded of the gifts of beauty, simplicity, a slower pace, and the presence of God.


May presents us with many reasons to celebrate, one of them being Mother's Day. For some, this day is special and filled with love and time with family. For others, it can be very challenging or lonely.  Who has God placed in your life to help shape you into who you are today? Moms may look different to each of us, but whether a biological, adoptive, or spiritual mother, an aunt, friend, grandmother, friend's mother, teacher or mentor - regardless of their role - we all have a mother who gave us life and a woman who nurtured that life. Wishing a Happy Mother's Day to all of the women who have helped shape us!

In Courage Redefined Ilse Marie Gomez shines a light of perspective on courage and what it means to have courage even in the face of fear. May you be encouraged! (Click the title of the Article from Propel Women to view.)

Speaking of fear and courage...What if you don’t have to let fear hassle you anymore? What if you can take back your peace, confidence, and courage? Dealing with fear is inevitable, but letting it control your life is optional. The Cool Resource this month, Fear, I’m Over You - A 21-Day Challenge to Live with Less Worry and More Courage by Holley Gerth, exclusively an ebook, is available right now for $1.99 + a Free Bonus! 

Do you have a dream you want to pursue? What's stopping you from going for it? So often all we need is clarity, a safe space to be heard and encouraged, and someone in our corner who holds us accountable to taking action. That's part of what coaching does. This month I am offering COURAGE, RISKS & REWARDS for $47 (half off)! In this online coaching course you will explore 5 key areas that will help you find the courage to take new risks and reap great rewards. You will be able to interact with me through the program and have access to a Private Client Portal. Click here to learn more!

Wishing each of you a wonderful May and a happy start to summer! 

Curious about how and when Memorial day began? (I didn't know.) Click title to read. Difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day

A Note of Encouragement

Here's to living your best life!

In Joy, 

Jen Stone-Sexton
Certified Christian Life Coach

ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FOR YOU: I'd love to come alongside you as you take your next steps! Find out more about working with me as a life coach. Or schedule a complementary no obligation 30-minute online Intro session. (Link opens to my calendar where you can choose your time)


Jennifer Stone-Sexton
Freedom to Flourish, LLC
P.O. Box 22
Kingston Springs TN 37082
United States of America