March arrives, the last hurrah of winter and the first whisper of spring.

Slowly our spirits reawaken, along with the natural world,

from a long winter's slumber.

Branches that just days ago were bare, now blossom with new growth.

Deep within we feel stirrings of hope. 

- Sarah Ban Breathnach

In February we got away to the mountains for a long weekend. While in Great Smoky Mountain National Park, we hiked to Laurel Falls in sunny, 70-degree weather one day and climbed the 3.5-mile vertical ascent/decent to The Chimneys in cool, misty conditions another. The hike to The Chimneys felt more like a wilderness Stairmaster, but we made it to the top! After 16 years, I can now check that trail off my GSMNP bucket list!

I noticed how my expectations of the trip influenced my perceptions, and how we were delighted by the unexpected. It was a gentle lesson in letting go and living from a place of positive expectancy instead of expectation for a certain outcome. I asked myself, where else can I let go of expectations and embrace expectancy? 


1) Laurel Falls Trail Scenic Overlook 2) GSMNP 3) Jen at Laurel Falls 4) Summit of The Chimneys  

All over Tennessee, these cheerful Daffodils are welcoming spring! 

Have you considered that you have influence? We don't need to earn it. We don't need to look for it. We don't need to wait for it. Here and now, you have influence. We are constantly influencing those around us, like the ripples from a pebble in the pond. The Articles this month, Loving Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, about fostering meaningful connections, and Realize Your Influence, provide a perspective worth considering. May you be inspired! 

Along with spring we often find ourselves wanting to feel healthier, get outside, and trade in some habits that fit like worn out shoes for some new ones that fit better. Here is a Cool Resource for those of you who like apps - Done Habit Tracker App. Done helps you create healthy routines by setting goals, tracking your progress and building on your momentum. The free version lets you create and track 3 habits. 


Mark your year with HOPE! You can still join Virtually from anywhere or host a get together with friends!

Come and see for yourself.

For speakers and virtual pass please click here: IF: Gathering 2022 


Dispelling the Darkness around us
Speaking Truth to the Lies that blind us
Scaling the Mountains before us
Breaking down the Walls that divide us
Here's why you can't miss IF: 2022 (video)
Women all over the world gathered together to get equipped, encouraged, and discover the next step in their calling. I was strengthened with truth, uplifted with wisdom and inspired by insights that fortified me with hope and the courage to keep pressing forward. Plus, I learned additional ways to support my coaching clients.

A Note of Encouragement

Connect with Me

Instagram | Facebook | Freedom to Flourish Life Coaching 

Encouragement to help you flourish in your life with Clarity, Confidence, and Courage! Follow at: #freedomtoflourishlifecoaching 

Here's to living your greatest life!

In Joy, 


 Jen Stone-Sexton, CCLC

ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FOR YOU: I'd love to come alongside you as you take your next steps! Find out more about working with me as a life coach. Or schedule a free no obligation 30-minute online Create a Life You Love intro session.

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Jennifer Stone-Sexton
Freedom to Flourish, LLC
P.O. Box 22
Kingston Springs TN 37082
United States of America