Happy New Year! 

Welcome a fresh 365 days to live your best life! Something that I started many years ago was prayerfully choosing a word that was my theme and focus for the year. This word represented some way I wanted to grow or a quality I wanted to develop more deeply. I have found that when we are intentional about what we focus on, we tend to experience greater growth and a heightened sense of purpose. After taking the quiz from DaySpring (link below) my word for 2022 is Empowered! What is your word for 2022? 

Who is God calling you to be in 2022? If you don't already know your word, here is a fun - and surprisingly accurate - resource from Dayspring to help you. 


Spiritual growth is an area of my life that is top priority and second to that is personal and professional development. Each year I choose a different 365-day Devotional for inspiration, perspective, and insights I can apply to my life alongside reading my Bible. This is how I start my day as I enjoy my coffee. ☕

A couple places to shop online: ZondervanChristianBook.com


Instead of setting "New Year Resolutions" what about setting clear goals in every area of your life? I have found that living intentionally and creating a life I love involves reflection, prayer, planning, and setting goals. I put feet to those goals with specific action steps. The featured Article this month is 10 Smart and Surprising Goal-Setting Tips! 

There is a big difference between intentional and habitual. The only way to make the habitual intentional is to change the small things we do daily. Most of us tend to over-estimate what we can accomplish in a year and under-estimate what we can accomplish in 3 years. Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals is one tool that can help us intentionally move forward.

I'm a runner and I have learned that in order to run a race well and finish strong, I have to know my pace, set it from the start line, and maintain it, regardless of what other runners around me are doing. In much the same way, we need a plan and a pace for our goals. An influential mentor of mine, Keith Kochner says, "Put a pace in place to finish your race so you don't fall flat on your face." (See Cool Resource this month!) When we set SMART goals for the year and break them down into 90-day action steps, we find we can make a lot more progress than just taking off sprinting at the start of the year (or race). Goal Setting and accountability are part of life coaching, so if you are ready to get results, I'd love to come alongside you as you take your next steps! 

Crossing the finish line at the Great Smoky Mountain Half-Marathon - 2020

 The Cool Resource this month is Mentorfish - created by Keith Kochner, known by many as “The Mentor." Keith is a faith-based international Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Author, and Founder of Mentorfish.com. Mentorfish is one of today's leading resources for Leadership and Professional Development training. With a focus on the 4 areas of Faith, Leadership, Relationships and Network Marketing, their mission is to educate everyone everywhere excluding no one to live their Greatest Life!  Check out the Mentorfish app

"Having a mentor means that someone else's hindsight can be your foresight." The principles I have learned in 15-minutes a day through Mentorfish, as well as the Exchange Event, have changed my life and propelled me forward to achieve more and grow in ways than I ever realized was possible. I am delighted to share this powerful resource with you here! 

Here Are 2 Fun Exercises To Move Forward With Intention To Live Your Greatest Life in 2022! 

1. Review and Celebrate Last Year! (Click the link to open the PDF) 

8 Coaching Questions to Review Your Year and Celebrate YOU!

2. Create a Vision Board! A vision board is a visual representation of our goals and dreams, WHO we want to be or HOW we want to live our lives. Our mind thinks in pictures, so a vision board is a fun way to focus on what it looks like to create a life you love! 

A Note of Encouragement...

 Connect with Me

Instagram | Facebook | Freedom to Flourish Life Coaching 

Encouragement to help you flourish in your life with Clarity, Confidence, and Courage! Follow at: #freedomtoflourishlifecoaching 

Here's to living your greatest life!

In Joy, 


 Jen Stone-Sexton, CCLC

THIS YEAR...Do you want to create a life you love? Are you ready to get results? Embrace your potential? Pursue a dream? Then I'd love to come alongside you as you take your next steps! Find out more about working with me as a life coach. Or schedule a free no obligation 30-minute online Create a Life You Love Intro Session

Would you be interested in a Goal Setting or Vision Board Workshop? If so, please reply to this email and if there is enough interest, I will set up and provide one. Happy New Year!

Jennifer Stone-Sexton
Freedom to Flourish, LLC
P.O. Box 22
Kingston Springs TN 37082
United States of America