Dear Friends, 

Today is our 2 year Anniversary! When God placed the dream of a coaching ministry on my heart three years ago, I had no idea how the journey would unfold. Or the doors He would open, the people He would bring into my life, or how much work would go into ushering that dream from concept to vision to reality! YOU - our clients, friends, and family - are the reason we exist. I am so grateful for your support and the privilege of encouraging you, and those whom you refer to us, to flourish with clarity, confidence and purpose! 

What dream do you hold in your heart? What would it look like to take one bold step of faith NOW toward making that dream a reality in your life? Then another step and another? Trusting that God will guide you and provide all you need along the way.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” - Goethe

  Do you want to strengthen your marriage and your relationships?

To celebrate the month of LOVE, our featured Cool Resource is
A Relational Intelligence Marriage Workshop
The benefits of healthy relationships have a ripple effect, like dropping a stone into water. A strong and loving marriage can impact children, relatives, friends, and the wider community. Relational Intelligence influences how we understand ourselves and relate to one another as well as providing tools for a healthier way to resolve conflict. It teaches that building meaningful relationships gives you the best chance of building a meaningful life.

  What is the desire of your heart? Have you ever thought about it? God says He will give you the desires of your heart. Learn more about what that means in the featured Article by Jen Stone-Sexton

Freedom to Flourish Blog

Encouraging and Equipping You to Flourish

February: The Gift of Rest, An Invitation to Receive

Our Blog is now bi-monthly and we are offering free downloadable graphics for you!

You can subscribe here: Freedom to Flourish Blog

You will only receive the Blog if you have subscribed. 

 Exiting Announcement! 

This interactive 6-Session Class begins February 21st!

This group class is free, we are meeting locally in Nashville and you must register to attend.

Group Coaching for Intentional Living

The purpose of this class is to increase your personal awareness and guide you in overcoming limiting beliefs and barriers to intentional growth so that you can flourish in your life!

 A Note of Encouragement...


Happy Valentine's Day! 💗  

 Connect with us and Follow at:

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Encouragement for YOU to Flourish with Clarity, Confidence, and Purpose! 

Here's to living your greatest life!

In Joy, 

Jen Stone-Sexton 
Founder, CCLC 
Equipping you to Flourish in your life with Clarity, Confidence and Purpose

MORE FOR YOU: We would love to come alongside you as you take your next steps! Find out more about working with us. Learn more on our Website or schedule a free no obligation 30-minute online Create a Life You Love Discovery session.

 Featured in Marketplace Partners of The Joyful Life Magazine

REJOICE {Winter Issue}

Jennifer Stone-Sexton
Freedom to Flourish, LLC
P.O. Box 22
Kingston Springs TN 37082
United States of America