Dear Friends, 

Are you enjoying Summer? For me, the highlight of July was a trip to the northeast to see my family & Mom and attend the high school graduation party of my oldest niece, Amanda. Her brother-in-law is Lee Brice and she was delighted that he graciously closed out the party with a couple songs. It was a special and memorable event!


A week after returning home, I was notified that my father had covid and was experiencing other complications that had him in and out of the hospital twice. Being 1,500 miles away, the fear of loosing him, and of the unknown, felt like a vice grip around my heart. The hours of waiting felt like days. I am profoundly grateful he has recovered and for all the prayers on his behalf.

The experience moved me to write the featured Article this month, Healing the Hurt. A year ago we didn't personally know anyone affected by the virus. But over time my husband, other family members and many friends got sick or lost loved ones. We have all been impacted in one way or another on multiple levels. It is my prayer that Healing the Hurt offers you hope, encouragement, and some practical step in the healing process. 

 Healing the Hurt by Jen Stone-Sexton

The first time I heard this new song I had to stop what I was doing. Tears slid down my cheeks as the words spoke to that tender, vulnerable place in my heart. For anyone who has lost a loved one, may it minister to your heart as well. 

Scars in Heaven

The Cool Resource this month features a collection of faith inspired apparel I AM Factor, by a colleague of mine, Kirk Thibodeaux. For men wanting a breakthrough in their lives, contact Christian Life Coach Kirk Thibodeaux at Unveiled Life

A Note of Encouragement...

Connect with Me

Facebook: Freedom to Flourish Life Coaching - Weekly Encouragement to help you flourish in your life with Clarity, Confidence, and Courage! Follow at #freedomtoflourishlifecoaching

Here's to living your greatest life!

In Joy, 


 Jen Stone-Sexton

Certified Christian Life Coach

ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FOR YOU: I'd love to come alongside you as you take your next steps! Find out more about working with me as a life coach. Or schedule a complementary no obligation 30-minute online Intro to Freedom session.

Jennifer Stone-Sexton
Freedom to Flourish, LLC
P.O. Box 22
Kingston Springs TN 37082
United States of America