Dear Friends, 

As I write this Flourish Newsletter to you, it's a rainy, coldish day. Again. Gazing at the grey sky, I am longing for sunshine and sandal season. As blossoms of color takes center stage, it nearly feels as if spring is wrestling to be free of winter's firm grip. Temperatures swing in the extremes - sweater one day and shorts the next. This in-between space of not cold and not yet warm, of blue skies then thunderstorms, the now and not yet, is uncomfortable.

Why is this liminal space so hard to live in?


The space between seasonal transitions of life, between pursuing a dream and realizing it, between planting seeds and reaping a harvest, between leaving or losing a job and finding a new one, between a diagnosis and learning a new way to live, between a relationship ending and a new one starting, between what is familiar and what is unknown, between the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. What if this space between two points of existence has a greater purpose? 

In these liminal spaces of my life I am learning to trust. Learning to wait with wonder and expectancy. And to keep walking forward. Spring is a time of planting. Seeds are buried in the soil and take root in the darkness. The seed grows until a sprout emerges breaking through the soil toward maturity. So too, in my life, and in yours, God is using these places and spaces of quiet growth to prepare each of us for the next season.  What in-between space is most difficult for you? What would it look like to invite Jesus into that space with you? 

Do you struggle with the concept of surrender? Have you ever thought of surrender as a strength? I think a lot of times weakness comes to mind when we think of that word. However, surrender requires great courage, strength and humility. Learn more in our featured Article this month is by Twyla Franz, author of The Uncommon Normal Blog. 

The Truth About Surrender

(For the Strong, Selfless or Self-Reliant Ones)

Freedom in Boundaries Workshop! 

 Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 6:00 pm (CDT)

Join us for this 90-minute Empowering Workshop (via Zoom).

Tickets are just $35.00 

30 Seats are Available so Register Now to Reserve Yours! 

 Workshop & Registration Information

An awareness of boundaries can increase the quality of your life, love and your relationships. Knowing what is and is not yours to own and take responsibility for gives you freedom. 


Freedom to Flourish Blog

Encouraging and Equipping You to Flourish

The Truth About Surrender by Twyla Franz

Your Heart's Desire - Receiving the Promises of God by Jen Stone-Sexton

 We invite you to subscribe to receive bi-monthly devotions directly to your Inbox. 

You can read or subscribe here: Freedom to Flourish Blog 

Our featured Cool Resource this month is The CHOSEN 

If you have not yet seen the first 3 Seasons of this exceptional series, which gives you an incredible glimpse into Jesus’ life, this is your invitation to check it out! The series weaves in backstories of the lives of His disciples and their families, as well as the Pharisees and the Romans who governed the area. The Chosen portrays the life of Jesus and the lives of those He touched in a very real and tangible way and gives you a perspective of Jesus through the eyes of those who knew Him, followed Him, and walked with Him. Click the link to discover The CHOSEN

A Note of Encouragement...


Warmest Wishes for a Beautiful Spring, a Blessed Passover and Joyous Resurrection Day!

Resources for YOU to Flourish with Clarity, Confidence, and Purpose! 

Freedom to Flourish Blog | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest

Here's to living your greatest life!

In Joy, 

Jen Stone-Sexton, Founder, CCLC 
Equipping you to Flourish in your life with Clarity, Confidence and Purpose

MORE FOR YOU: We would love to come alongside you as you take your next steps! Find out more about working with us. Learn more on our Website or schedule a free no obligation 60-minute online Create a Life You Love Discovery Session.

Jennifer Stone-Sexton
Freedom to Flourish, LLC
P.O. Box 22
Kingston Springs TN 37082
United States of America